Yoga On the Grass Under the Trees
An mixed-levels flow class with sky gazing and deep relaxation
During the warmer months it is such a pleasure to practice your yoga outside. These classes are held in my garden under the oak trees in Lincoln, MA.
We begin the class lying on our backs and bringing the attention more present. I encourage you to look at the trees, the leaves, the sky. To feel the grass underneath you. To listen to the sounds — birds, leaves moving in the breeze. To take in the smells of the natural environment. After some time we begin to move the body.
We’ll slowly flow into poses, placing our body in different shapes, exploring what each posture feels like, and staying attentive to our experience… all while linking the movements with deep, smooth breathing. We’ll move slowly and mindfully which helps us to be more deeply present with our experience. The class usually includes a few sun salutations, standing poses, perhaps a balance. A relaxation “savasana” finishes the class along with a moment or two of sitting to seal in the goodness of the class.
During the practice, I will be your guide, but you’ll decide how much to challenge yourself. My goal is to help you learn to make choices that serve you best on any given day. Choose what feels enjoyable, sparks curiosity, feels integral, and keeps you safe. I will teach you the foundations of alignment, while encouraging you to explore your own unique expression of the poses. It’s quite common to feel revitalized, less stressed, worried, or anxious, and more grounded, closer to nature, peaceful and happy after class.